If only its walls could talk. They would speak of transient life in a bygone era. Of the people who stopped by. The wholesome, and the shady. Those who grew up on vacation in these rooms, and those who found respite here. The regulars and the passers by. All authors of its wayward past…
The Cat purrs a new narrative. Forged from conversations shared along the deck, the same one traipsed by those who came before. Of balmy Palmy nights and neon shadows by the pool. Of heavy heads, open hearts and a salty existence.

“Time is still, the nearby ocean breathes.
Take rest here, at the Cat.”
Take rest here, at the Cat.”

Seven rooms. Reimagined and fully restored. A laid back luxe experience. Warm interior tones, nostalgic design, bespoke finishes & vintage textiles paired with all of today’s creature comforts.